A New Website is Launched

We have had the pleasure with working with The Center for Advanced Care Planning and developing the group a new website – CenterForAdvanceCarePlanning.org

The principal of this organization, Fran Myers was such a pleasure to work with and the organization’s purpose of simplifying advance care planning materials is so important to everyone. I can honestly that working on the website, was an education on what is involved with completing one’s advance care planning documentation.

If you have not completed your advance care planning check out the Advance Care Planning Portfolio that the group has developed. To quote Fran, “… this is the ultimate DIY advance directives portfolio.” We always think of DIY – “Do it yourself” for projects around the home, well it is also a great approach to advance care planning.

Here is a link to the Advance Care Planning Portfolio web page – CLICK HERE. Consider ordering yours today!




Author: Karin Hall

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